How to comment codes in TWIG ?

Whenever we write codes we may need to comment some codes to avoid displaying and executing…

How to find Nth highest salary in Sql Server ?

How to find Nth highest salary in Sql Server ? Finding the first or second or…

What are the main differences between DML vs DDL?

The main difference between DML vs DDL is – one for managing data in database and…

How to swap 2 integers without using a third variable?

int a = 3; int b = 5; Console.WriteLine(“Before Swap”); Console.WriteLine(“a=” + a); Console.WriteLine(“b=” + b);…

How to concat 2 strings without using any inbuilt string functions?

String is a character array.Find the length of the first character array, and find the length…


WHAT IS AJAX? Asynchronous Javascript And Xml. It is not a programming language Used to create…

Joins in SQL

SQL JOINS Joins in SQL are used to get related data from different tables. SQL joins…

What is the difference between Managed code and Unmanaged code in .Net?

Managed code Vs Unmanaged code Any code running under CLR(Common Language Runtime)is called Managed code and…

The view ‘Index’ or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations

Problem The view ‘Index’ or its master was not found or no view engine supports the…

Explain page life cycle? page life cycle passes through some series of process during their life cycle. Following are…