- Asynchronous Javascript And Xml. It is not a programming language
- Used to create better, faster and more interactive applications.
- Ajax uses asynchronous data transfer between the browser and server.
- Ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll is the dll used for Ajax control tool kit.
What are the controls of ajax?
- ScriptManager
- ScriptManagerProxy
- UpdatePanel
- UpdateProgress
- Timer
What are the advantages of AJAX?
- It saves memory while fetching data from same page
- More interactive
- Speed
What are the disadvantages of AJAX?
- AJAX is dependent on javascript
- Security issues
- Debugging difficulty
What are the technologies used by AJAX?
- Javascript
- XMLHttpRequest
- Document Object Model(DOM)
- Extensible HTML(XHTML)
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
What are the features of AJAX?
- Dataview control
- Live data binding
- Invoking Ado.net data services and data contexts
- Client side template rendering
What is the difference between AJAX and JAVASCRIPT?
Ajax send request and performs other operations in the mean time they get the response | Javascript send request and waits for the response |
Full page downloading is not needed | Full page downloading is needed |
minimize the overload on server | Posts request and updates the script every time |
AJAX is a technique of communication | Javascript is a scripting language |