How to use switch statement in c# ?

Switch statement is used to check a variable with a set of conditions called cases. We…

Array in Javascript

Array is a variable that is used to hold more than one value in a single…

What is comments and types of comments in javascript?

                          For two reasons we can have comments in the code, one is to define the…

How to comment codes in TWIG ?

Whenever we write codes we may need to comment some codes to avoid displaying and executing…

How to find Nth highest salary in Sql Server ?

How to find Nth highest salary in Sql Server ? Finding the first or second or…

What are the main differences between DML vs DDL?

The main difference between DML vs DDL is – one for managing data in database and…

How to swap 2 integers without using a third variable?

int a = 3; int b = 5; Console.WriteLine(“Before Swap”); Console.WriteLine(“a=” + a); Console.WriteLine(“b=” + b);…

How to concat 2 strings without using any inbuilt string functions?

String is a character array.Find the length of the first character array, and find the length…


WHAT IS AJAX? Asynchronous Javascript And Xml. It is not a programming language Used to create…

Joins in SQL

SQL JOINS Joins in SQL are used to get related data from different tables. SQL joins…