The main difference between DML vs DDL is – one for managing data in database and other for define database. DML stands for Data Manipulation Language and DDL stands for Data Definition Language.
- DML statements are used to manage the data in a database just like insert, update, delete etc.
insert into table(col1, col2, col3) value(val1, val2, val3)
- DDL statements are used to create and define database structure just like create, alter, drop etc.
create table tablename (col1 datatype, col2 datatype, col3 datatype)
- DML statements work with rows of data in table. For example, insert will create one or more rows in a table, where DDL works on database objects like table or views etc. For example, create will create a new object of table or view or procedure etc.
- Most of the DML support where clause and having clause for filtering data and order by and group by functions. But DDL does not support these functions.
- Transactions can be applied to DML statements. Which means, COMMIT and ROLLBACK are supported in DML statements. But DDL does not support Transactions. Which means once a table is created it cannot be roll backed. It need another DDL statement of DROP to remove the table from database.
- DDL statements cannot fire any triggers. But DML can fire triggers.
- DML statements are used to manage the data in a database just like insert, update, delete etc.