1) ViewResult : Used to return a view to render html in the browser. this is the most common used action result
2)PartialViewResult: Similar to view result, it returns a partial view.
3) ContentResult: Used to return any type of content. By default it is used to return plain text but the actual content type can be explicitly defined
4) EmptyResult: this is equivalent to void method,it is by definition an action result object,but it does nothing.
5)FileResult:Used to return binary content.
6)HttpUnauthroizedResult: You can return an HttpUnauthrized result when the request tries to access restricted content that, for example its not available to anonymous user.
7)JavaScriptResult:Used to return JavaScript code.
8)JsonResult: Used to return any object in JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) format.
9)RedirectRresult:Used to perform an HTTP redirect to another URL.you can define it as temporary (code 302) or permanent (code 301) HTTP redirect.
10)RedirectToRouteResult: used to perform an HTTP redirect ,but to specific route rather than a URL