What is the use of “DISTINCT” in Sql Server?

“DISTINCT” keyword is used to remove the duplicate values in a given column. Example SELECT DISTINCT…

What is Abstraction in OOPS?

The meaning of abstract is existing in thoughts or as idea but not having a physical…

What is Polymorphism in OOPS?

Polymorphism is a Greek word which means many-forms. That means look same but act different. There…

Attributes for script tag

For a basic thing, HTML element can contain some attributes. For example you can set background…

What is Inheritance in OOPS?

Inheritance Inheritance is one of the main feature of OOPS. It helps to reuse the code…

What is javascript with basic example ?

Javascript is a programming language for the web apllications. Let’s start a script, Scripts are a…

What is a class in OOPS?

A Class is the blueprint of its objects. Inside the class the programmer can describe the…

How to use single , double and triple equalto (=,==,===)?

=  is  used to assign value from one value to another. == (Equality)  is used to…

what is order by vs group by in sql server ?

Both order by and group by are used to organize data according to user needs. ORDER…

What is microsoft .net assembly?

Microsoft .net assembly ->Microsoft .net assembly is a logical unit of code. ->It contains code which…